Thursday, April 16, 2009

N.J's blog Free tuition is arguing for free tuition for college students but not for the wealth. After reading this, I'm thinking okay yes its going to be a lot more helpful for us, if college was free. Yes we all can't afford it and sometimes financial aid just doesn't cover the whole tuition and books, but should it be free? Why did they make higher education costly in the first place? N.J doesn't exactly provide us with this information and other background and research for both sides of the argument. Personally I think that it would be pretty awesome if we didn't have to pay and the wealth did because it really isn't fare for a smart kid from a low income family to not be able to go to the school of their dreams just because their family doesn't make much and the kid whose parents make bundles is able to go to a high standard college. The only thing is, is that if college was free than just anyone would go goof off and drop out. You hear people say its your money, your time, your choice if you want to fail or not and when its them paying for it, they tend to work harder for the grade. So if its free some might not take it as seriously, but maybe if your household makes under so much a year than it should be free or at least financial aid should cover the tuition and books and a little more.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Mandating recess in Texas public schools

Bill 159 has been filed into the Texas House mandating elementary schools to have at least 20 minutes of recess daily in addition to 135 minutes of P.E time weekly. Parents and others are debating whether this bill should be passed. Some are saying reducing recess time gives educators more time to teach the children and increase test scores. Others are arguing that children need a break just like an athlete needs a break from practice, too much practice can result in injuries.

Recess should be mandated in elementary public schools for it helps develop social, cognitive and emotional coordinations. Recess is a great way for kids to take a break from their everyday studies and use their imagination. It also gives them the opportunity to blow off steam, run around and stay active throughout the school day. If they stay in a classroom learning the same subject twice as long, their going to get bored and agitated. Recess is a great way for them to burn off energy and stay physical. One child quoted “Well, when we don't have recess, I feel like screaming. When we do have recess, I do scream.” One mother debated that recess and taking a break helps children become more ready to learn and process information more effectively giving them the advantage to learn more.